Judy Moody Day celebration was held at the Williamsburg Public Library. The amazing Noreen Bernstein hosted the event with Megan McDonald, author of the Judy Moody series. After visiting several schools and appearing on a radio show, Megan McDonald was treated to dinner at the Williamsburg Public Library. I was lucky enough to sit across from Megan during dinner. Megan talked warmly about Therese Bigelow who encouraged her to become a librarian. She also talked about living in Minneapolis, Minnesota and her writing. Besides the Judy Moody series, McDonald has written several picture books, including When the Library Lights Go Out, Ant and Honey Bee: What a Pair!, as well as a several historical fiction books. Megan has written the Julia books for the American Girls series. In preparation for the writing, Megan and a historian provided by American Girls, toured parts of California, listened to songs of the time and provided background information about the 1970s.
In celebration of Judy Moody Day, Megan McDonald signed her new book Judy Moody & Stink: The Holly Joliday, for a lucky child in Hibbing. To enter into the drawing for the book - all you need to do is drop me a note or a picture - mom or dad needs to sign, too. My work address is Children's and Youth Services Consultant. Library of Virginia, 800 East Broad Street, Richmond VA 23219.
P.S. The mail man in the book is named Jack Frost. Megan's mailman in Minnesota was named Jack Frost.
P.S.S. Thank you OH and CH for the picture of the sunflower. It sits on my desk at work.