Christmas Day is fast approaching and Terry and I are taking a breather from the mall madness. We shipped the last of the Christmas packages last week. Terry also got the Christmas letter written and that also has been sent out. The presents we are going to wrap are under the tree. As Terry has the habit of very wisely purchasing presents for himself - some of the presents under the tree were a surprise to me and are also unwrapped. I already know one of my presents - The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J. K. far I have been good and have not read it.
The weather outside is neither cold or snowy, but I know Christmas is near because Terry bought eggnog. Calorie laded eggnog has become a tradition in our house. Each year we have the "should we get it and the no, no, no too many calories" discussion. Most years the eggnog wins, despite my rooting for the no-eggnog holiday. This year Terry added ice cream to the mix, I believe he has plans for an low calorie eggnog ice cream shake.
While on the road visiting the Augusta County Library and the Handley Regional Library I discovered I had cracked a molar. Terry always keeps headache medication in the car with is a combination of aspirin, Tylenol and caffeine so I was able to manage until I was able to see a dentist. Before I cracked my tooth I had decided to do something about getting braces for my crooked and crowded teeth. I was in the process of setting up appointments to see about removing some teeth. The cracked tooth provided additional complications of which teeth should be pulled. I currently have a brace around the tooth which has stopped the pain. I will be seeing the dentist on Monday to start the process of have a cap put on the tooth.
As part of my job as Children's and Youth Services Consultant for the State Library in Virginia I plan training for public libraries and create statewide programs. This of course means the summer reading program. I am working with a talented group of librarians on the public relations part of the summer reading program. Come this summer children in Virginia, Minnesota and 45 other states will enjoy the same reading program theme "Be Creative At Your Library" and "Express Yourself At the Library." I am chairing the Marketing and Public Relations Committee, which is charged with hiring creative and talented people to produce a video announcement and a radio announcement. I have seen the storyboard and they will be fantastic. I have also implemented a winter reading program, "Snuggle with a Book" with a polar bear theme. I am working with the Peter Rabbit people to create the 2010 winter reading program, featuring 11 illustrations from Tales of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. I am also working with Jan Brett to offer a 2011 winter reading program featuring Hedgie. It is quite exciting to see these programs come together.
Terry and I have both become hooked with the Sudoku puzzles. Terry has discovers some on-line puzzle while I an enjoying the paper puzzles. I have done some of the "difficult" ones, but I am stumped by the ones labeled Fiendish.